

Korbajna river

  • Route: Jaśkowo (Jaśkowskie Lake) (0 km) – bridge on the road Miłomłyn/Boreczno (3.7 km/2.3 mi) – Ligi (Karnickie Lake) (5.6 km/3.5 mi) - Aqueduct in Karnity (5.9 km/3.6 mi) - Karnity bridge (7.2 km/4.5 mi) - West bridge of Dębinka (8.3 km/5.2 mi) - East bridge of Dębinka (9.5 km/5.9 mi) - Kukła bridge (11 km/6.8 mi) - Zacisze bridge (12.9 km/8 mi) - pump station at the mouth of the Elbląg Canal (14.5 km/9 mi) - you can go further through the Elbląg Canal to Miłomłyn (17.3 km/10.7 mi) or go to the Zielona Lock (Śluza Zielona) (16.9 km/10.5 mi).
  • Watch out: Occasional fallen trees in the riverbed, possible to overcome without leaving the kayak. Necessary to carry the Kayak at the intersection with the Aqueduct in Karnity, and at some bridges.
  • Accessibility: From January to mid-June, in the summer water run-off almost stops, and the river bed is overgrown with plants until the first frost appears.



Time needed


Pętla wokół miasta Miłomłyn

  • Route: Miłomłyn (Przystań na Wyspie) (0 km) - binduga of a former sawmill (0.6 km) - security gates (1.2 km) - Miłomłyn sluice (1.7 km) - mouth of the Liwa river bed (2.2 km) - Miłomłyn weir (3.0 km) - bridge in the center of Miłomłyn (3.2 km) - Przystań na Wyspie (3.4 km)
  • Watch out: It is necessary to move the canoe at the weir.
  • Accessibility: Year-round trail, except when all or part of the trail is flooded.



Time needed


Under the green roof of the Elbląg Canal

  • Route: Tarda ( 0 km / 20.2 km ) - Winiec ( 3.4 km / 16.8 km ) - Szymonówko Beach ( 10.2 km / 10 km ) - Liksajny Beach ( 12.3 km / 7.9 km ) - Majdany Małe Beach ( 16.1 km / 4.1 km ) - Iląg Łąka ( 17.2 km / 3 km ) - Miłomłyn ( 20.0 km / 0.0 km )
  • Route variants: Tarda - Miłomłyn 20.2 km, Winiec - Miłomłyn 16.8 km, Szymonówko - Miłomłyn 10.0 km, Ględy - Miłomłyn 15.6 km, Czulpa - Miłomłyn 19.3 km
  • Watch out: No obstacles.
  • Accessibility: Year-round trail, except when all or part of the trail is flooded.



Time needed


Upper Drwęca River, Idzbark - Ostróda

  • Route: Idzbark (parking lot at the Młyn pod Mariaszkiem inn) (Drwęca River) (0 km) - bridge on the Ostróda - Olsztyn road (2.9 km) - bridge on a dirt road near Lubajny (4.9 km) - railroad bridge and footbridge (7.6 km) - double bridge of the S7 road (8.7 km) - road bridge on Drwęcka Street (9.7 km) - road on Pułaskiego Street in Ostróda, Teutonic castle and road bridge on Mickiewicza Street in Ostróda (10.0 km) - Drwęckie Lake (10.1 km) - eco-marina in Ostróda (11.0 km)
  • Watch out: Occasional fallen trees in the riverbed, manageable without getting out of the canoe.
  • Accessibility: All year round except for the heavier frosts when the lake and slower parts of the river freeze over, from mid-July the riverbed becomes overgrown with vegetation that impedes canoeing.



Time needed


Five slipways of the Elbląg Canal

  • Route: Pochylnia Buczyniec - safety gates ( 0 km / 10,5 km ) - Pochylnia Kąty ( 2,4 km / 8,1 km ) - Pochylnia Całuny ( 5,2 km / 5,3 km ) - Pochylnia Jelenie ( 7,5 km / 3,0 km ) - Pochylnia Całuny ( 9,6 km / 0,9 km ) - Bridge Jelenie-Lisów ( 10,5 km / 0 km ).
  • Watch out: It can be traversed in both directions, care should be taken when traversing the ramp.
  • Accessibility: The slipways of the Elbląg Canal operate from May 1 to September 31.



Time needed


Disappearing lakes and slipways of the Elbląg Canal

  • Route: Czulpa ( 0 km / 17 km ) - former railroad bridge on Lake Sambród ( 4 km / 13 km ) - Folwark Karczemka ( 7.5 km / 9.5 km ) - Pochylnia Buczyniec ( 15 km / 2 km ) - Pochylnia Kąty ( 17 km / 0 km )
  • Watch out: It can be traversed in both directions, care should be taken when traversing the ramp.
  • Accessibility: The slipways of the Elbląg Canal operate from May 1 to September 31.



Time needed


After Emerald of the Gulf of Green

  • Route: Przystań na Wyspie - Miłomłyn ( 0.0 km / 13.2 km ) - lumber bund ( 0.6 km / 12.6 km ) - former railroad bridge and road bridge S7 ( 1.2 km / 12.0 km ) - mouth of the Canal to the lake ( 2, 7 km / 10.5 km ) - stone promontory ( 3.2 km / 10.0 km ) - former railroad causeway across the lake ( 4.0 km / 9.2 km ) - tip of the Green Bay ( 6.7 km / 6, 5 km ) - shed of the Forest Spa Park ( 7.5 km / 5.7 km ) - town beach ( 9.0 km / 4.2 km ) - former railroad causeway across the lake ( 9.2 km / 4.0 km ) - mouth of the Canal to the lake ( 10, 5 km / 2.7 km ) - former railroad bridge and road bridge S7 ( 12.0 km / 1.2 km ) - lumber binnacle ( 12.6 km / 0.6 km ) - Przystań na Wyspie - Miłomłyn ( 13.2 km / 0.0 km )
  • Watch out: It can be traversed in both directions.
  • Accessibility: Year-round route except during the icy season.



Time needed


Author of trails:

Tomasz Kasprzak